by jpk @ 26/02/2014, 17:47
Hello dear followers,
albeit with improper delay I am happy to introduce you our last CW report. On sunday - 12.01.2014 - our DM section had finally the chance to test the condition of the members challenging in a rematch the European Pro Clan. The last 7 months have been a very difficult and bumpy path, roller coaster successfully survived thanks to and only to the immense work from the sidelines by Mr.RiKy. No great expectations have been placed on the match for the exception of the condition estimation which gave the possibility to evaluate what to do in view of future events and a better overview of the general situation. Without further delay let’s jump into the CW description:
rush start from the EPC guys, taking home 4 of the first 5 played rounds showing a good level of preparation and great hunter skills. Small reaction of pride from the EPD guys bringing down to the wire many rounds but it is substantial equilibrium, with Vidic’s boys responding tit for tat on every EPD shortening attempt. Great effort from Mr.RiKy in round 13 giving rise to a great fight but couldn’t stop Ace, dominator of many hunter fights throughout the whole CW. Vidic’s three long range hunter kills gave EPC their ninth round, and a solid team effort got them into double digits next. With the score at 10-5 and the match at risk it was ^ZozinhoP# to step up his game clutching a sticky 2v1 situation against Vidic and A!R, and keeping EPD hopes alive. Unfortunately, it is just a flash in the pan with the EPC lineup taking home the last 4 rounds and decreeing the final score on 14-6. Summarizing; decent performance by the EPD team showing a slight superiority in the map’s driven parts but an overwhelming dominance in the hunter fights will prove to be EPC’s winning point in the final victory.
We want to thank the EPC clan for the great CW and the friendly environment. Good game and totally well deserved victory.
As special extra Mr.J notes:
^ZozinhoP# - MVP of the match; amazingly concentrated throughout the whole CW. Better hunter skills in support to his driving talent would make us, probably, participants of a way differently oriented CW. ÑANDU'.
^SjRhaN~ - Last second stand-in, opens his EPD permanence with a substantial performance. Unlucky in many hunter fights. BADASS GONNA BE.
Gtagasje - Debut pressure played a big role in his performance. Big improvement possibilities. SHAKY.
AgreSsiVe - Underperforming for his standards. Still a solid performance. ROCK IT BACK.
Mr.RiKy - Struggles in finding the correct rhythm throughout the whole CW. Talent is, however, undeniable. RUSTY.
ZanaK - World-renowned celebrity and future major of the city of Bari. CLOWN.
Mr.J - Referee and moderator of the event. BAN MACHINE.

Extra information:
jpk aka Mr.J, Clan Leader
by jpk @ 17/07/2013, 13:48
there have been many rumors about it and now it is finally time to give them credibility. It is undoubtedly the right reward for his perseverance and commitment shown towards the team in the past weeks/months. So, as the title says, Mr.RiKy is now the new MTA:DM section Co-Leader and even though of minor importance the new official Map Manager. But it is not over, the vacant role of Recruitment Manager resulting from Mr.RiKy's promotion will be taken by ForgiveN. So congratulations to all of you!
jpk aka Mr.J, Team Leader
by jpk @ 27/06/2013, 18:12
Hello dear followers,
it is time for a new CW report! Monday - 24/06/2013 - our DM section was finally involved in a CW after a 3 months break.
Strangely the CW started in time without major problems. Two big absent for the EPDs; Mr.DaN and Ace~. The prediction was about a close and hard fought game but all the expectations have been discredited since the beginning. Rush start from the EPD guys bringing the score to 3-0 followed by a small reaction of pride from EPC shortening the distances and bringing the score back to 3-2. From the 6th round onwards we were spectators of an onesided match with EPD losing only some few more rounds and always from Vidic's hands. Summarizing; there was no doubts on the final score as EPC were looking silly, fluffy and unfocused since the first rounds placing all their expectations on Vidic's individual skills.
Some rounds deserve a special nomination:
6th round - Great comeback from EPD guys recovering and winning a round after a 5v2 outnumbered.
8th round - Perfect round and team ace on DC v15 - Fuck You All III; no losses and 5 survivors.
12th round - TorNado wins his second consecutive round on FakeDeath ft. DeAdAnGeL ft. Kiwi - Glowing In The Dark II.
14th round - Astonishing comeback from Mr.RiKy clutching a 2v1 situation on Packy v11 - Dangerous.
16th round - AgreSsiVe is the final survivor bringing home 11th round and ensuring to his team the mathematic victory.
We want to thank the EPC clan for the great CW. Despite the defeat congratulations to you all expecially to Vidic that showed great skills during the whole match. For those who were not informed our VPS got DDoSed the night before the CW; so i take this opportunity to thank i514x who offered us a lifeline hosting the match on his private server.
As special extra Mr.J notes:
TorNado - MVP of the match; dominator and winner of many rounds. Anyway hunter skills still need to be improved. UNDERTAKER.
AgreSsiVe - Once again a massive performance. Increasingly essential for the line-up. ROCK.
Mr.RiKy - Shines on Packy v11 - Dangerous after an overall undertone CW. BETTER-BE-BETTER.
MarowN - First CW as EPD. Good performance with large margins for improvement. DEFLOWERED.
~>Fenix# - After 19 early fails wins the last CW's round. NICE TIMING.
Ace~ - Cheers for his team confortably sat on his couch watching sumo fights. FATASS.
Mr.J - For the occasion reinvents himself as commentator. MADNESS.

Extra information:
jpk aka Mr.J, Team Leader
by jpk @ 04/03/2013, 20:47
Hello dear followers,
yesterday - 03/03/2013 - our DM section was involved in their second CW after the team rebirth. Jumping trivial details:
the CW started concretely late caused by many iS members connection problems. The prediction was about a hard fought game and the confirmation came really soon. Since the first rounds the two teams, led by Mr.RiKy on the one hand and ScentiiC on the other, have given rise to several spectacular hunter fights which have resulted in a really close score. Starting from the third round the gap started to grow, until reaching a maximum advantage of 3 rounds, thanks to many well managed 2v1/3v2 situations. At this point there is a reaction from the iS team especially from ScentiiC that with two consecutive won hunter fights approches the draw, but it is only a flash in the pan; reaction of pride from the EPD guys, four consecutive rounds won and it is game over. The last rounds are just for entertainment purposes and for those who could not play from the beginning.
As always, some rounds deserve a special nomination:
8th round - Mr.RiKy mages to bring home a spectacular 2v1 hunter situation.
12th round - Mr.RiKy nearly clutches a 3v1 hunter situation with 1 HP remaining.
14th round - AgreSsiVe wins a 2v1 hunter fight breaking the iS team momentum.
15th round - GosK is the winner of a 3v3 hunter fight.
16th round - GosK wins second consecutive 1v1 hunter fight on TohaTLee ft. Lui[S]ire - Revolution Mortal.
17th round - Great teamplay for EPD guys, 4 alive after a 4v4 hunter fight which ensures mathematic victory of the match.
As special extra Mr.J notes:
Mr.RiKy - MVP of the match; dominator of many hunter fights and crucial in others. His anger is still a problem. RAGING BULL.
Mr.DaN - Alternates well played rounds with many blunders. DECONCENTRATED.
GosK - Solid during the whole CW. Transforms the map TohaTLee ft. Lui[S]ire - Revolution Mortal in his playground. PLAYFUL.
AgreSsiVe - As previously demonstrated his solid gaming style is his strenght. Wins probably the most crucial round of the entire CW. DREAM DESTROYER.
#Xien~ - Solid gameplay. Fails to realize the excellent game once in hunter. AIR SICKNESS.
AnDrOiD:)= - When called upon to play reacts well to pressure. However, please, chill out. FUSSY.
Ace~ - His FPS problems prevented him from playing the CW. "Hey Extazy, can I join your special club?", "Sure bro, you are welcome!". USELESS.
Mr.J - Mind of the team and excellent strategist. GENIUS.

Extra information:
jpk aka Mr.J, Team Leader
by jpk @ 11/02/2013, 1:44
the time has come. Yesterday - 10/02/2012 - our DM team was finally involved in a CW after almost a 6 month break. 2012 was an incredibly hard year; we had to overcome a lot of difficulties and problems, but now we are back ready to have fun again.
The CW started slightly late due to some BsR member problems. After a doubtful beginning (0-1, 1-1) starting from the 2nd round we could begin to see the results of the training which our members were subjected in the last two weeks. Our lead started to grow and grow (2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 5-1, 6-1, 7-1, 8-1), and we had to wait until the 10th round to see the BsR scoring again. Hereafter we lost only some other few rounds that didn't affect minimally the great march to victory undertaken by the EPD team from the 3rd round on.
Some rounds deserve a special nomination:
7th round - Mr.DaN clutches a 2v1 hunter situation on DC v10 - Fuck You All with a double oneshot.
8th round - Mr.DaN wins the second consecutive hunter fight on DC v10 - Fuck You All.
9th round - Mr.RiKy goes huge on DC v15 - Fuck You All III winning against four opponents.
14th round - EPD team wins mathematically the match bringing home their 11th round.
We want to thank the BsR clan for the great CW. Despite the defeat congratulations to you all expecially to AnDrOiD that showed great skills during the match.
As special extra Mr.J notes:
Mr.DaN - MVP of the match; solid player with great hunter skills. ONESHOTTER.
Mr.RiKy - After a bad start a great comeback from him. Crucial in many rounds. IRREPLACEABLE.
Ace - Many expectations were placed on him, but a series of lags, bugs and misfortunes didn't allow him to play his a-game. UNDERTONE.
AgreSsiVe - Solid play from him. Has proved to be ideal to play in the lineup. NEW ENTRY.
#Xien~ - Equalizes and exceeds the expectations placed on him. Welcome to the EPD Clan. FULL MEMBER.
Mr.J - Like a puppeteer manages the clanwar and his team from the sidelines. WISEMAN.
Extazy# - Picked up on Team Speak at the last second, poorly and early fails the only round played. USELESS.

Extra information:
jpk aka Mr.J, Team Leader
by jpk @ 15/01/2013, 8:37
we are proud to announce that after a troubled path our new website is finally online. Enjoy your stay!
EPD Clan