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 Post subject: [DM/CW] Emp .vs. |EPD|
PostPosted: 04/08/2014, 8:59 

Joined: 04/08/2014, 8:50
Posts: 1
Skype: lokoj31
|Clan Name|: Elite Master Players

|Clan Tag|: Emp|

|Clan Website|:

|Contact| : Skype (lokoj31)

Clan War Information:

|Type|: DM

|Format|: 5 vs 5 + 3 reserves

|Date|: We can discuss about that at skype

|Time|: We can discuss about that at skype

|Server|: Emp| 24/7 CW Server (Hosted at France on the VPS with: 4x AMD 3.2Ghz, 8gb ram, 320gb SSD, 1gbit)










Only the players which are listed on the players list are allowed to play on the CW;
The clan with the last surviving player gets the point;
If no one has reached the hunter, the clan with the player that got furthest gets the point;
If 2 of each clan reached the same place and no one else got further, we will redo the current map;
In case of camping and/or shortcutting, a participant will be blown up and possibly eliminated without the possibility of replacing him;
In case of insulting, swearing and provoking, a participant will be muted and possibly eliminated without the possibility of replacing him;
If someone times out before the map starts, we redo the map;
If someone times out while the map is running (if he is alive), we play further;
If someone lags too much, reserve player plays then;
If it is a tie, every clan chooses 1 of their CW maps and we play them again;
Spraying is not allowed (4 shots per 5 seconds);
Backshooting while getting hunter is not allowed (on car's it's allowed)
FPS: Minimum - 36; Maximum - 53;
Ping: Maximum - 220. (Brazil players have got exception in case that they doesnt lagging)

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